Colorado Ivy+ Women "For Profit For Purpose" HH on 10/14

Date and Time
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
5:30pm— 7:30pm
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Brio Tuscan Grill in Cherry Creek

Please join us on 2nd Tuesday of October at Brio Tuscan Grill in Cherry Creek from 5:30 - 7:30! Dr. Zofia Wosinska WEMBA14, Co-Founder of ESTAINE, will co-host this event with Ashley Oliver, a Princeton Alumna and Real Estate Attorney at Polsinelli.


Please RSVP to [email protected] to attend this Happy Hour, become a member of the CO Ivy+ Women Facebook group, and share the news with other Colorado Ivy+ alumnae you may know.

COMMUNITY: Connect and Engage

CONVERSATION:Discuss and Debate

CONCEPT: Share and Discover 

There will be penty of time to network with alumnae and later we will have time for group discussion kicked off by 2 topics:

  1. Can companies attain the appropriate balance between higher purpose and financial success?  
  2. What are the challenges and benefits of managing a profitable purpose? 


Many of our lives and loved ones have been directly impacted by cancer in one insidious form or another. We can be very proud of our fellow alumna Zofia and of Jeremy, her husband, who is a Stage 3 Lymphoma Survivor and Co-Founder of ÉSTAINE. Please visit to learn about how they have created a concept and high-end fashion company that will raise awareness and money to fight cancer in an imaginative, profitable way.

ÉSTAINE has been in development since 2012. The inspiration for the brand began many years ago when Zofia performed cancer research as a part of her PHD studies in photochemistry. She studied not only the effects of cancer from a molcular level but also how emotional well-being impacts prognosis.

In her later work for Roche developing dye solutions used in cancer diagnosis, Zofia imagined the hauntingly beautiful colors and patterns of the stained cells gracing flowing dress and fabrics -- telling the story of a survivor.

The stunning scarves, ties and other accessories currently available are inspired by Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the desire to ignite conversation regarding early detection and diagnosis for all types of cancer. The accessories are made in Italy by the manufacturer of Hermès.

Map & Directions

Brio Tuscan Grill in Cherry Creek

by public transit by car by bike Walking